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Prometheus: The Religion of Man - Can You Interpret Vatican II Correctly?


Vatican II is Prometheus in his act of larceny.


"The Second Vatican Council is Prometheus in his act of larceny. It was a maneuver of all too human prudence carried out by a divinely constituted hierarchy, which burned for men the incense that belongs to God alone. As in the parable of the unfaithful steward, the Council cancelled man’s debts to God, promising salvation to all; and in the worship of its New Mass gave man the better part. " 


While the fruits of Vatican II have been evident for decades many Catholics still lack the ability to articulate why the humanist principles that underlie Vatican II are so egregious. This book summarizes the main tenets of Vatican II, explains the correct theological and philosophical principles and exposes the fallacious thinking of the Council.





Topics defined, explained, and refuted by this book:


  • Inversion of the Common Good, Anthropocentrism, Catholic Humanism
  • Reinvention of Authority, Conciliar False Optimism
  • Humanistic Naturalism, Conciliar Naturalism 
  • The Church and the Kingdom of God according to Lumen Gentium
  • The New Church, Humanism, Inclusivity, and Innovation in the Council 
  • How Humanism Eventually Becomes Liberalism  
  • Humanism needs Subjectivism and Autonomy of Conscience 
  • Church and World Religions the Opening of the Ecumenical Pathways
  • And Many More Topics . . .


While this book is not an easy read, it is certainly a must read for any serious Catholic looking to understand the difference between what the Church has always taught and the philosophical mutation that has eroded the hearts and minds of Catholic prelates, priests, and faithful since the Renaissance till our modern day.


"Pandora’s box has poured its evils on the whole Church, while the Catholic hierarchy has been chained, with its own incoherence. And who will be the Hercules capable of liberating her? We believe it can only be the return of Thomism to Rome." 


Prometheus: The Religion of Man

SKU: 9781949124699
  • Angelus Press

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